Free Voucher that offers you a 50% discount on a pack that includes assessment, organization and drawing up of a CV note, as well as 3 mock interviews for the perfect preparation, paying £100 instead of £200, by Thanos Mengrelis, professor with extensive studies on the teaching of English.
Free Voucher that offers you 5 sessions + 1 free session of consulting, paying £500 instead of £600, for a Career Switch Programme for 2 to 4 weeks, by the experienced career development coach Nina Dova.
Free Voucher for a 16% discount on the 4 initial sessions (90’ each) with the renowned Leadership Coach, Psychologist & Psychotherapist Miselina Lemisiou to discuss and come up with the action plan towards your goals and expectations regarding your performance and evolution, desires you would like to fulfil, as well as obstacles that might be disorientating you, through a dynamic collaboration.
Free Voucher for 1 free Leadership-Executive Coaching session (90’-120’) with the renowned Leadership Coach, Psychologist – Psychotherapist Miselina Lemisiou to discuss and come up with the action plan towards your goals and expectations regarding your performance and evolution, desires you would like to fulfil, as well as obstacles that might be disorientating you, through a dynamic collaboration.
Free Voucher for 1 free online session (20’ long) with the Greek career development coach Nina Dova in order to discuss your professional needs and come up with an action plan for your next steps.