Free Voucher that offers you 1 FREE online session of 50’ to 100’ for any matter that concerns you with Dr Panagiotis Karagiannis, who specializes in stress and depression issues and applies psychometric tests for your emotional, behavioural and cognitive condition.
The particular Free Voucher offers you a 50% discount on the first session, paying £40 instead of £80, with the Psychologist-Psychotherapist Maria Anastasaki.
Το συγκεκριμένο Free Voucher σας προσφέρει έκπτωση 25% για απεριόριστες συνεδρίες, πληρώνοντας £60 ανά συνεδρία από την αρχική τιμή των £80, με τη Ψυχολόγο-ψυχοθεραπεύτρια Μαρία Αναστασάκη.
Free Voucher for 1 free session (duration: 60’ to 90’) with the Psychologist – Psychotherapist & Leadership Coach Miselina Lemisiou to discuss about matters that concern you, desires you would like to fulfill, as well as about possible obstacles that you feel they disorientate you. Download now for free the Voucher on your mobile.
Free Voucher for a 15% discount on 1 to 4 sessions (60’ each) with the Psychologist – Psychotherapist & Leadership Coach Miselina Lemisiou to discuss about matters that concern you, desires you would like to fulfill, as well as about possible obstacles that you feel they disorientate you. You pay £50 (€60) [instead of £60 (€70)] per session and get the best deal simply by presenting the Voucher by Greek Select. Download now for free the Voucher on your mobile.
Free Voucher that offers you a 25% discount on sessions of 50’ for any matter that concerns you, paying £60 (instead of £80) with Dr Panagiotis Karagiannis, Psychologist/Psychotherapist, Performance & Wellbeing Coach.