  • The particular Free Voucher offers you:
  • One online session (via Skype, Zoom, Viber, Face Time) with the specialized financial and accounting consultant Napoleon Stamoulakis regarding the taxation of non-residents and the process of change of tax domicile – Tax Department for Non-residents.
  • Duration of session: 45 minutes
  • The prices for every session are defined according to the preferred hours of communication and are as follows:
    • 13:00-15:00 UK time: €55 (instead of €60)
    • 15:00-19:00 UK time: €75 (instead of €60)
    • 19:00-22:00 UK time: €90 (instead of €60)
  • Due to limited availability, book your appointment in advance via the webpage kerdoforos.gr
  • During the session, you can discuss matters about:
    • The procedure of change of tax domicile through a discussion customized to your data and individual needs. You will find out everything about the documentation necessary, if you meet the criteria and starting from when, deadlines, any fines and charges, issues you might encounter and how you can save time and money.
    • What the advantages of a tax domicile abroad are and why you MUST do the procedure.
    • When to submit your tax declaration
    • How to avoid double taxation
    • What to do ONCE you move your tax domicile abroad
    • Note: During the session, it is not possible to analyze the agreements for the avoidance of double taxation and respond to questions like where and how is every source of income being taxed. Moreover, the tax consultant is based in Greece and is not in the position to advise you on matters related to the legislation of the United Kingdom.
  • To schedule your session, enter kerdoforos.gr and follow the steps below to make your appointment:
    • In the field Category, select GREEK SELECT/SERVICES FOR NON-RESIDENTS
    • In the field Service, select GREEKSELECT/TELECONFERENCE 45’ long (WITH VOUCHER)
    • In the field Partner, select NAPOLEON STAMOULAKIS.
    • Then, select the date and time depending on availability. Note that you should be seeing the local UK time according to the city where you are residing. If this is not the case, you should change it according to your city of residence.
    • Fill in your personal details and complete the process of scheduling your session.
  • You will get information for the payment method right after completing your online booking.